Reduces Meshes(Array) of Imported Models

I have already imported a model and right now i need reduce it’s no of meshes and save it as a new file in babylon.The main purpose is to make a size of a file smaller by draining model quality.

you can use SceneSerializer to save your scene (or the GLBExporter depending on the format you want to use)

To simplify your meshes, you can use this: Simplifying Meshes With Auto-LOD | Babylon.js Documentation

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I have simplified meshes using Auto LOD but I can’t understand how to use scene serializer, Basically Auto LOD works with distance , SO, I want to save my model on specific distance. Like smaller distance, medium and far. In this case How can I save my model on some specific distance.?

test | Babylon.js Playground This is my code and I want to download file at distance: {5,9}. Kindly help me out.

Please do not open several posts for the same topic. I pinging Raanan in your other post:

File download size issue - Questions - Babylon.js

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