@Deltakosh Is there a specific reason why the Inspector (scene.debugLayer.show()
) is necessary added as new HTML elements in the DOM, while BabylonJS is capable of rendering nice GUI within the canvas ?
I’m working on adding some 3D stuffs on a website for a client, and it’s not the first time that I struggle with an HTML context which is already very dense and rich, including dozens of other CSS files, etc… Problem is : CSS from the rest of the page is killing everything in the inspector, due to conflict is class naming, such as for example “slider” :
This big white square is in fact just a “slider” from the Inspector, but the original web page had some .slider classes which are killing all of them in the Inspector. And I have many other issues (for example, cannot type values in inputs, etc, etc)
I’m quite stuck since I’m just participating to a wider project (cannot rename all classes). All I can do now is recoding some sliders and inputs within the BJS GUI, for the params I need to debug…
Would be GREAT to be able to have this Inpector poping within the canvas on top of render, without touching the HTML page !