Require extension CVTOOLS_babylon_mesh is not available

The unity exporter does a great job to export a model with lightmaps. Baking is so easy this way.
Natively we cannot import the gltf in blender, because of the cvtools thing.
Unless someone has a trick / plugin for blender… ?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not… I wrote the CVTOOLS_babylon_mesh and CVTOOLS_left_handiness extensions to be more like Unity.

GLTF 2.0 does not support SubMeshes (MultiMaterials) and is RIGHT HANDED.

I hate that so i made the extension to support MultiMaterials, Custom Materials And Shaders and Left Handiness.

Long story short. you will need babylon.manager.js or will have to disable the extra features to use the GLTF without my scene manager

Hi can you clarify which toolkit features to avoid to avoid the CVTOOLS dependency? (I’m hoping to just use the toolkit to get a raw scene and lightmaps)

UPDATE: Ugg sorry, you answered this quite clearly above, thx!! :zipper_mouth_face: