Resize canvas problem

Good morning :slight_smile:
My canvas doesn’t resizing like in playground, so I can’t get full screen on my mobile devices.
I want to my cut clear color like in playgroud. I want to avoid this white space.


This might be related to the body/html css. Would you be able to share the page itself?

html { display: block; }
body { display: block; margin: 8px; }

Can you try this?:

html, body {
                overflow: hidden;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
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It helps, Thanks, but my borders doesn’t cutted, they are resizing with canvas, I want to avoid blue borders on mobiles

If you want to reproduce this on the playground, we might be able to understand what exactly the problem is. I am not sure what blue borders you are refering to, but even if you show me in a video I will still have the same answer - please help us by reproducing the issue on the playground.

I forgot to say that I’m using Orthographic camera mode

ok! so what is the actual problem? what Do I see in this playground that is wrong?

I want:
If canvas change width I will cut blue clear color around the ball.
I have:
When canvas window change it’s width ball also change width. It’s wrong

that’s not a simple task. It involves understanding where the camera should be based on your new HTML size. not very trivial, and honestly not something I would recommend. It would be better in your case to have a fixed canvas in a specific size and stretch the mesh you are rendering to be full screen. This way you have no “blue clear color”, and you control everything in HTML


Thanks for your time and advices. :innocent:

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