Rotate mesh with camera attached to bone

Hello! Can someone explain how to properly rotate mesh with camera attached to bone?
Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Babylon.js Playground

I am not sure to fully understand the question and what you are trying to achieve ?

Hello! i have a model with animanted bone dedicated for camera. You can see in my playground that ive attached camera to “camera” node. Now i want to rotate mesh with camera. Ive tried to do this by: character.rotation = camera.rotation; but this doesnt work as i expected :frowning:

I would do it a bit differently:

  • with mouse delta, rotate the root of the character instead of the camera
  • parent the FPS_Camera to the mesh root with an offset

Let me see if I can do something …

Yes, but i will loose camera bone animation (swing when walking)?

Nop, it depends to which bone you attach the camera. You can even add an intermediate transform.

Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Babylon.js Playground

See the top right view, there is still a swinging but the camera stays in place

The goal is to save walking animation (swing when character making steps). Sory for my english :frowning:

I see! Let me check if I can improve it.

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Looks better now : Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Babylon.js Playground


“You are breathtaking” :slight_smile: Can you explain changes you made? FreeCamera instead of UniversalCamera?

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It should work the same with UniversalCamera. The main difference is the way to attach to the camera coming from glb.

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As i can see, you created a FreeCamera and specified parent node as i did in 81 line (camera.parent = cameraNode;). Now, your camera works properly in viewport you created but these are created only for debug. How to make it work in main viewport?

You can add a pointer lock and change camera.rotation accordinging to mouse inputs.
Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Babylon.js Playground

using a camera is not necessary here. It should be a transform instead.

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Here it is with a simple transform node

Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Babylon.js Playground


Thank you for you help and explanations :+1:

Babylonjs FPS (Camera to bone) | Solution

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I know this is a very old topic, but I looked everywhere trying to find where did you get that weapon model?

Thank you!

Hello, those are assets from infima games, you can buy them in unreal engine store or unity assets store here is the link