i’ll pull the project later and see if I can help with that
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Can you change your babylon imports to this and see if it works:
import serializedData from './scene.json'
import { Scene } from '@babylonjs/core/scene'
import { ArcRotateCamera } from '@babylonjs/core/Cameras/arcRotateCamera'
import { Vector3 } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector'
import { HemisphericLight } from '@babylonjs/core/Lights/hemisphericLight'
import { SceneLoader } from '@babylonjs/core/Loading/sceneLoader'
import { DecalMapConfiguration } from '@babylonjs/core/Materials/material.decalMapConfiguration'
import { RegisterClass } from '@babylonjs/core/Misc/typeStore'
RegisterClass('BABYLON.DecalMapConfiguration', DecalMapConfiguration)
if that works I will apply a fix later today
it works locally, just want to be sure it is correct:
Went and submitted a PR already…
Works, thank you
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