Second Camera does not call onLeftPickTrigger Action

Iterating over the activeCameras in reverse order sounds goods to me, to give priority to what’s drawn in front… Let’s see what @sebavan thinks about that… And I’d volunteer to help with that fist piece of the puzzle for starters, processing only the 1st hit (the one that’s most in front) when the feature is enabled.

Adding the ability to have multiple hits which can be cancelled by calling a stopPropagation function sounds like a great second PR request, once the first part is in place. And that last part about GizmoManager, etc. currently relying on activeCamera incorrectly would be left for a separate PR(s) as well, if needed. Otherwise, if it needs to be one big PR that handles all of that, it will be too much for me to take on all at once RN. :slight_smile:

I am totally ok to introduce smthg for this but could we wait until 5.0 is released ? This might be quite a large change.

From what I have seen scene.pick would be the most central place (or onMove, and onDown… in inputManager) I guess we could have a mode, like firstCameraWin or distance based knowing the hit distance is part of the pickingInfo and by default letting it like it is.

You could create a PR that might depending on its overall complexity stay in wait mode for a while if that s ok with you ?

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Waiting until after 5.0 is fine with me, it will be much better to do it with your feedback and ideas in real time IMO. :slight_smile:

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Is there a solution to the problem in the new version?