I’m a happy babylonJs user, i want to use tools (sandbox, nodeEditor, playground) locally, cause of very slow internet at home.
I followed @RaananW tutorial Setting Up a Local Babylon Development Environment
I tried with github master, and published releases 3.38.0, 5.33.2, …
After a clean npm install, i tried npm run start.
next are logs from webpack
“webpack 5.73.0 compiled with 471 errors”
Must errors are “TS2307: Cannot find module 'core/***”
My desktop config : Alma Linux 8.7 (RHEL upstream), Node 16.18.1 (tried with 18.12.1 with same result).
Hello and welcome!
The article you are using as a reference is 2 years old and is outdated.
Please check this Documentation page - Start Contributing to Babylon.js | Babylon.js Documentation - where the installation and build processes are described.
And, well, I didn’t write it
the link @labris provided is the most up-to-date tutorial. In general - the simplest would be to clone our repo, open it in vscode, run npm install, and use the debug tasks which run everything for you and make sure everything works as expected. otherwise - tutorial FTW!
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Works perfectly ,Thanks a lot.
What a quick feedback, i’m impressed!
Now i can use tools without the need to stay late at office, you saved my life.