Simple es6 scene webxr not working

Hi, I have a scene which I tried to open it in VR, but without luck :frowning: and I don’t know why.
Here is a very simplified version of it
First I tried in chrome, using webxr emulator, but nothing happen and I have a warning message as well.
Then I wanted to check directly on my Quest 2 glasses, but the button doesn’t even appear, as if the device doesn’t support VR or something like that. Very strange.
I was able to open links from the documentation related to WebXR, but it seems like something isn’t working when I use TypeScript and ES6 packages. Honestly, I don’t know what else to do.
By the way, I tried with “our more intelligent friends,” and I got a few suggestions, but none of them worked. Thank you

The code sample you provided doesn’t seem to work correctly. there are issues with the index.ts references of @babylonjs/core . Is that the issue, or is working locally?

Ah ,sorry. Can you try now?
No, it does not work locally as well

This seems to be a restriction enforced by the context in which the app is running (i.e. codesandbox):


I get the same in both edge/chromium and chrome, seems pretty consistent. are you seeing the same error?

Yes, I got something similar on incognito|

I will prepare a small repo on git

Hey, I tried with your es6 webpack repo and it is working fine :melting_face:

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might be that codesandbox is tinkering with the navigator object?

Hey, mistery almost solved. The problem is that in my scene I have 2 active cameras explicitly set like

scene.activeCameras = [camera1, camera2]

You can see it here

(un)comment line 15