I would like a size scale in my playground. I tried with the GUI but he does not use the same unit of the mesh. (One on pixel or pourcentage the other random unit). I’m also trying to attach one mesh (which serves to unit) to the camera to follow this movement but if i move the positioning of the camera or I zoom with them my “unit” don’t expand.
For exemple in this picture I want the black line as the same size what ever if I zoom or move camera
Maybe I am off-topic. The black lines get “proportionally” (proportionately?) -bigger/smaller with camera zoom, and the black lines can never be clickable. But, maybe this is what you seek.
Note: The ‘of’ in line 337 likely does not work in standard Internet Explorer. Use a more-standard for-loop syntax… for “non-Edge” IE versions.
The problem with this is the size of multilines is on px or % but mesh is not on px or %
It is necessary that I find the calculate for corresponding px or % on size of mesh ?
Yes then I would like that if we move the camera it remains in the field of vision at the same place. This I succeeded with 2 scene but now the length of line don’t move and I would like the line move when i zoom. https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#XCPP9Y#892
Donc en gros j’aimerais que la longueur de mon trait fasse toujours la même taille que mon objet mais juste visuellement.
Quand on zoom la taille de la sphère de bouge pas mais visuellement elle est plus grande. Je voudrais donc que la longueur du trait représente visuellement cette taille.
Très bien mais du coup pour que la ligne soit par exemple toujours en bas à droite du playground et qu’il sont attacher à la grosse sphère, il faut que place les 2 mesh en fonction de la caméra c’est bien sa ?