Sound issues on iOS

The issue is still there.
Tested on iPhone 11 pro, iOS 14.3, neither Safari or Chrome works.

The sound will not be OK unless you disable 3D sound…

spatialSound: false

Any idea how can we fix this?

The issue exists only when spatialSound: true.

cc @RaananW who has been assigned to Spatial sound not working on iOS 14.3, chrome or safari · Issue #12381 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

I will be out for the next week and a half, so sorry if it might take a little longer to check

Found two demos of web audio api that work (almost) ok with spatial sound. Hope this could provide some help to identify the problem.

(new users can only put two links in a post :rofl:)

maybe check your error on

Repro this bug on MacBook Pro 2013 MacOS Mojave 10.14.3 Safari 12.0.3 with the demo code in the babylon document.

also reproducible on Safari 12 macOS Mojave simulator at

Commenting out line 35 makes it work.

    // music.attachToMesh(box);

@RaananW is OOF for vacation but will check it as soon as possible


Seems like the issue was resolved (due to using an older version of safari). Is that the latest safari version?

OMG, this thread looks ugly :wink:
And when you think that Apple can eventually live for a decade without fixing a major issue…
God of WebGL, pls help us out and tell us this has been ‘automagically :mage:’ solved now :grinning:

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