Text rendering ideas are rumbling my head. I’d need to add a lot of dynamic texts to my scene. It seems too expensive to generate a texture for each of them.
I was wondering if there’s some solution that renders a font to a texture and then generates text meshes using quads / shaders. I’d need to be able to align these texts and predict / control their sizes, and ideally apply different colouring and effects, all in order to save textures.
Ideally I would even need ot batch several of those as I’d have possibly hundreds of them, but that’s another story.
I think this approach is used by some engines, but I guess there’s more to the story. Is this a proper approach to (many) text rendering in 3D, in BabylonJS? Does somethign like this exist?
Sorry about that. Some time ago, we had a disconnect between the playground code and made the MeshWriter showcases fail. When I repaired that, I failed to update the BABYLON repo readme.
I believe the code is fine; this was a playground-only problem. However, I must update the repo you mentioned.