How about Arial… As that is the default Unity Text Mesh font…
I am trying to use your MeshWriter extension in the Babylon Toolkit Core Libs. And Arial is the default font… Would be nice to add default ‘Arial’ 3D Text Mesh support to Babylon Toolkit
I am from China. As you know, the size of Chinese font file is very large, about 10MB each, for example, Microsoft YaHei, SimSun, SimHei and so on.
I think if your automate program can handle chinese font file, others will be very simple.
Meshwriter is an amazing extension.
Auto font conversion is here. It is pretty simple and very fast. See this repo. I have not yet documented how to create a minified MeshWriter build with your new fonts but I will get to this presently.
It looks like a miracle (to me) .ttf file goes in, JavaScript file comes out. MUCH of the magic is in opentype.js. Bless them!
Thank you very much.
HirukoPro seems to take into account the accents also with Hlvetical.
There remains only Jura and Comic who does not take any accent. When do you plan to take charge for Jura and Comic ?
Your extension works well otherwise. Thank you for sharing.
Right now, I have no plans to extend Jura beyond the basic set. That is a function of usage. I use Jura to show, numbers, dates, URLs, file names, etc. If you are using it more broadly, I would like to hear about that. I am very interested in how applications are using MeshWriter.
I will fully extend Comic but I would expect it to take about four weeks.
Why so long? A bit of background. File size is important. Although it is now easy to slap new fonts into MeshWriter, it adds to the size for everyone. There are two ways to add the extended glyphs to MeshWriter. The automatic way adds about 50K bytes (for Comic). The manual way adds only about 10K bytes. I am going manual.
Also, this is a volunteer activity and fits behind my other duties.