There are some properties in ParticleSytem that are confusing

  1. The attributes direction, emitPower, lifeTime, updateSpeed all seem to have an effect on the speed and distance of a particle’s movement, is there any connection between them?
  2. I’m drawing a picture of a particle moving from the EmitBox face to the Direction area, am I understanding this correctly?

Hi @zhy

Direction values should be normalized if you dont want them to affect speed/distance.



The direction properties are not world space positions.

Say you have a position vector3(0,0,0)
Apply a direction(-1,0,0) with a power of 0.1
After 1 step, the position will now be at (-0.1, 0, 0)

minEmitPower / maxEmitPower, randomizes the “power” of each emitted particle, thus also affecting the speed and distance traveled.

minLifeTime / maxLifeTime, the longer a particle is “alive” the more updates it will get, and thus affecting the distance traveled.

updateSpeed, update “steps” will happen faster or slower depending on this property, again affecting the speed of particles, however, it wont affect the distance, as lifeTime of the particle is also speed up or slowed down equally.