Any of you shader wizards know how to make a texture tiled in a custom shader, which already has set the correct uv data in the vertex shader. Would I need to change the calculation in the vertex shader or is there a way to do it in the fragment shader?
Example is in playground below, basically it’s displaying 5 meshes with the numbers 1-5 currently, all from my texture atlas shader – I’m trying to make the 5 meshes repeat the numbers displayed in a tiled manner. The main problem I’m having is, I can sort of make it “tile” in the fragment shader, but then it breaks the bounds set by the vertex shader - (1320 and 1333 are relevant line numbers. Change repeat to 2.0 on 1320 to see it tile, but also break its bounds, and show incorrect numbers). – So I’m thinking maybe I need to do it in the vertex shader, some sort of modulo operation there to start the coordinates over at a certain scale? IDK
Also – Texture modes and UV variables have no bearing on custom shaders, i.e.
texture.wrapU = BABYLON.Texture.MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE; texture.uScale = 0.25; texture.vScale = 0.25;
etc, don’t do anything correct?