I recently started using the Babylon.js GUI Editor again after a while and noticed that the red outlined area where the tree hierarchy is displayed has become too narrow, making it difficult to view the hierarchy properly. As shown in the attached screenshot, I remember the width being wider before. Is this behavior intentional, or could it be an issue specific to my environment?
Sorry, correction - the GUI editor doesn’t use the module tat failed us on the inspector. It does, however, stores the value of the size of both the right and the left panel locally and will continue using it even if you reload the page. Both columns are draggable, so - just drag it to the size you want and that’s it - it will forever be this way (until you clear the site’s data ).
I guess a few changes can be made to the general behavior. For example, a dbl-click will adjust the column to be sized as the content, and the minimum value can be a bit higher. But this is not a bug and the behavior hasn’t changed.