Hi to whoever is reading. I have a beginners question( yes, sorry I know )
On https://playground.babylonjs.com/#H4134L#1 I try to create a custom mesh in code. I think that I already managed to display 2 triangles of a piramid, but I have a problem showing the normals in my mesh.
As far as I understand , each vertex has a normal associated and it should be possible to visualise this normal on screen (for debugging purposes)
I did add normals to my vertices (although not in the 100% correct direction yet) and use the function showNormals (copy pasted from demo code in manual) to show the normals.
Somehow they don’t show at all. Did I do something wrong or did I set up too little data for the engine to handle my request ?
And 1 extra question (for when I get the normals visible). Do you have to normalize the normalvector in BabylonS to be of exactly length 1 or are there functionalities inside the engine for that ?
Kind regards and thank you very much to whoever wants to help me a little. I know how to do this in for example Unity3D but now I want to switch to babylon