Hello, my Unity scene works fine and renders successfully in browser before I add any script, but when I add the DefaultCameraSystem or any custom TS file to camera/gameobjects, build succeeds but it does not render in browser (gets stuck at loading scene content).
For logs, in 3D URP project, it asks me to disable reflection probe blending for tier 3 graphics settings, that is already disabled. While in 3D Core, there are recommendations related to lighting that you can see in the video. Thanks.
@Pryme8 I installed node js at the default directory ProgramFiles/nodejs and npm was part of the package. I can see it is located in a different folder - node_modules.
In Babylon script compilation, should I make any changes- currently it refers to node.exe
@Pryme8 I installed npm in the root directory of the project and it detects the Babylon package as well but the problem still persists with the same log in the browser.
Yo @AnupamChauhan i can tell from video what is going on. If you hit me up in a DM. we can setup a Google Meet or something so you can show me your screen and we can figure out what is going on. I suspect it is something in the typescript setup version