Voice recognition with Web Speech API

… because text input in VR is just clumsy :wink:
And while at it, web browsing in VR is also clumsy, so why not a web browser by the way? :wink:


The era of VR will bring a lot of changes to the way we’re used to designing interfaces! :smiley:

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I filed a question with meta about quest browser not supporting native web voice recognition api. SpeechRecognition in webxr - Meta Community Forums - 1168273 . I’ve used a couple of other libraries and they β€œwork” but then I need to drag a third party library into project to make it work (with varying levels of cost). Maybe upvote that issue to pressure meta to add to build and make things a little easier? (also agree voice is the way to go in quiet/solo environments, it’s so much faster than trying to type in VR)