Volume Cloud demo, based on threejs

I’ve always wanted to create a more realistic environment with real-time sun, real-time sky, real-time cloud. Now I’ve integrated a case in threejs from the relevant cases I’ve collected. Can someone help me integrate it into babylonjs.


This is threejs stripped down:
three.js-dev - 副本.zip (5.9 MB)

After the decompression, the live server can run.


think too more

Do you think my idea is impossible or meaningless? If it’s just plain mocking, then all I can say is, why do 3D programs if you don’t think about too much?

The idea of having someone convert your three.js code into Babylon.js implementation is not practical. You should find a way to implement this functionality on your own, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I will explore it myself and post the results on the forum as well.

If you’d like you can also post on #service-offers-and-requests to hire a developer to convert the code for you

I’m a developer, but I’m not familiar with shader and babylon post-processing writing, I’ll try to port the code, although this may take more time, is there a reference case for writing custom post-processing?

Yup we have documentation on post processes here: Post Processes | Babylon.js Documentation (babylonjs.com)

Good luck on your porting! :smiley:

Thank you, I will open a new demo thread after the port is successful.

@xiehangyun this fundamental video by Inigo Quilez can help you understand how realistic landscapes can be created using mathematics.

Painting a Landscape with Maths - YouTube


Y up wtf , we all know z should be up