[WebXR] How to access the base transformation of the camera?

I do rotate the webXR camera through the motion controller axes, similiar to when teleportation is enabled. Now I want to move through the other joystick. The movement should be based on the base direction of the camera, not the vr headset. I did read that when you rotate the camera only the base transforms are considered, is there a way to access those?

Mister @RaananW will be your host for this travel :slight_smile:

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The camera’s rotation is the only rotation we have, and is the only rotation we are manipulating. When you rotate using the thumbstick, we rotate the camera on its y-axis - Babylon.js/WebXRControllerTeleportation.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

If you want the base transformation from which you started, you can use the viewer pose set at the beginning of the session, like we use it when checking for the user’s height: Babylon.js/webXRCamera.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

When you set a new camera rotation it updates the webxr reference point (this is how teleportation works). It happens here - Babylon.js/webXRCamera.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub , after checking that there was a change that the user/dev made (and not XR)