WEBXR TELEPORTATION defaultTargetMeshOptions

defaultTargetMeshOptions can set teleportationFillColor
How to set up a model instead of a transport style?
Looking forward to the answer!

If you are asking how to pass a different model, you need to use teleportationTargetMesh instead of passing options to configure the default mesh.
If you want to support rotation as well (while teleporting), you will also need to have a child mesh called rotationCone .

I am not quite sure what am I seeing. This is the default teleportation model. It seems to be mis-aligned, which might suggest the model you are trying to teleport to is not straight.
You haven’t actually explained what is wrong, so it is hard to answer.

would be great if you shared a reproduction. Playground?

If you are asking how to pass a different model, you need to use teleportationTargetMesh instead of passing options to configure the default mesh.
The answer is I need it!

I customized the model I made to replace the default teleportation model.
When the controller is transferred, the line of the controller is thickened and a small ball is displayed. I can reproduce it in PG.
Please help me find out which configuration has the problem. It is very grateful!

Here, this will work - SET teleportationTargetMesh | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)

You can pass the options before initializing the XR helper. What you did was enable and feature every time a controller was added, which caused a few issues.


is ok!

I need to create a teleportation to set some different parameters.
Teleportation was not created in PG#14 is OK!

but PG#11 create teleportation is bad!

I really need to create a teleportation to set some different parameters
For example, setting parabolicCheckRadius!

Please help me with this problem, thank you very much!

this has the same issue the first playground had - you are re-enabling the feature instead of using the existing one. when re-enabling the feature you practically reset its parameters. Any reason for enabling an already-enabled feature? If you want to use the feature, use xr.teleportation