Weird space between ground meshes when they have large size value for position x,y,z,
- playground:
- They should be rendered at precise location without any random spaces when camera move around
Weird space between ground meshes when they have large size value for position x,y,z,
Seems like a floating point / precision issue…(?) unsure of the correct naming / description.
Your ground meshes are extremely far away from the world center, starting at {x: 168920, y: 0, z: 128920}
this is a known issue with openGL / WebGL.
Solution would orbviously be to move meshes closer to the world center
yes you are right , well i was hoping to use world map tile coordinate system and place real world terrain tile meshes using geo coordinates in 3d world
You could make a “virtual offset”, so render at 0,0 but keep a cache, something like…
var coords = []; // index = X coord
coords[x] = []; // index = Z coord
coords[x][z] = Id of tile mesh to display at this offset
var tiles = []; // index = tile mesh id, containing different types of tile meshes
var offsets = {x: 0, z: 0};
then move tiles instead of camera, update offsets object on movement and place/replace tiles from coords array based on offsets… I hope it’s understandable
i think its great idea , i will try to implement it , thank you aWeirdo