I have a blender 3D model,and my blender version is 3.3. I use blender to babylon file appears some errors(WARNING: unsupported node type(ShaderNodeMath) will trigger baking).
So I export to glb file.
I download the PC editor and import it, when I run it. It‘s very stuck. But I import model on the https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ is smooth.
So I want to export the babylon file in the https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ .But I import it in the babylon editor, it is very stuck to load the file.
And I think the editor is difficult to operate,it is different from blender and stuck. Maybe I am a silly man.I even don’t down how to move the camera,I can’t find it in the document.
And I find the file which created by editor is different from the playground,maybe it is superclass for me.
Then,I would love to have an official Chinese translation of the document. My English is bad(I‘m sorry),and I have to use translator to learn the document.It is uncomfortable.
To be honest maybe babylon.js is better than three.js,but the community is too small.
I hope that the community will be more prosperous.
And I want to use vite3+vue3+ts+babylon to create a webcomponent,eveyone just upload model,they can
get a Interactive web 3D webcomponent.
Now I learned the first three items and have some experience to use, so when I complete the study.
Can I achieve the desired goals?
I can see here you are using the Editor. The Editor is a community project initiated by @julien-moreau. Although I know little about the Editor since I do not use it, I do know that (same as the sandbox) it contains some helpers and defaults that might provide a different result from the one you would get at first in your own build. If you want to use the Editor and have questions/concerns, try to specify in your post title that you are using this tool. It will make answers faster and more relevant.
Understand that it’s impossible for us to spot any error with just this information. You should load your file in the playground. To do that, follow the instructions you find here.
I understand. English is also not my language. However, we had this request before and I’m gonna give you the same answer. It’s not just Chinese, there are dozens of languages and translating AND maintaining the docs in several languages is an enormeous amount of work I believe the team cannot afford at this moment (personal opinion). Now BJS is also based on the contribution of the community. If you want to initiate a project for this to happen, I believe the team and the entire community will gladly support your effort in every way we can.
Yes, the community is still rather small. Though I believe the community is also much more dedicated, empathic and can count on some people with incredible skills. In fact, I strongly believe the BJS community is one of the pillars of Babylon.js.
And we all do. That’s why we welcome new users and contributors (and thank you for being here today). Know that with us, YOU can become part of the game. It’s only up to you to gather more followers and dedicated users in your region… and all would be welcomed here the same way I welcome you.
I believe you can. It’s ambitious and eventually redundant with some other projects. May be you should try teaming up for this? In any case, know that if you do something like this, you will certainly get here all the support needed and I will also personally be among the first ones to applause for such a contribution.
I’m sorry you’re feeling a bit of frustration with the docs and translations. I believe that you are looking in the right areas though!
@mawa is right about the Editor - at this time you shouldn’t consider it an equivalent to an IDE like Blender; it’s more like a lite version of the Unity Editor - good for putting together and working with a basic scene and assets.
Exporting your model from Blender to a GLB is probably one of your better options and you should be able to just drag and drop the file onto the BJS Sandbox to view it
When it comes to embedded models and scenes in a webpage, @labris is kind of a resident expert on the subject -perhaps he has some insights?
To be honest, I don’t know them all. In a way the Editor made by @julien-moreau had similar goals. In a way, @labris worked on tools for integration (i.e. in wordpress). I know there are others. I just don’t have them all in mind. May be @RaananW also knows of people working towards this kind of goal. For sure, he’s among those who knows best how all of this can work together.
As I said, it’s ambitious and before taking this all on your own, I believe it would be good to have a look around see if someone has done a bit here or there or else, would be willing to collaborate.
Meanwhile, have a great day
Edit: Oh! And silly me forgot to mention the team from gltf. I believe @bghgary would have a lot to say around this subject.
Yes,I agree.I will try my best to learn to code. And try to contribute the editor.
I had a cursory glance to the document, but the frustrating is Using External Assets In the Playground need to Introduce external url.
Other than that my model file is 100+M and the internet speed is slow
I’m afraid this size model will not load with the webGL tech. I mean it would if it wasn’t for browser restrictions. You should target below 40mb on desktop. Below 20mb for mobile.
I know, I know. Sensitive subject . I don’t wanna make politics but understand that this is not just the will of Babylon.js. We all have to deal with browsers and their ‘faen’ (from norvegian, meaning ‘the hell’) CORS policies. Already a number of so-called ‘reliable’ sources are accepted in BJS. And I’m afraid that’s about the best we can do as of just now.
What do mean when you say “stuck”? Do you mean the frame rate is not smooth while loading? Can you provide some example code of what you are doing, ideally in the playground?
Thank you for your reply,as fact I just used editor to import my assets.And the import/build process was long.Then,I think use the editor to preview the model is not convenient.