I’m interested in exploring Yuka for some fun ideas. I am trying to use the basic navmesh demo to get learning with the VSCode Live Server recommended in its docs
The whole tab is hard locking and never coming back when I try to change the nav mesh loaded to https://testasset.s3.amazonaws.com/casual_collision.glb wether remote or local. I see it downloading successfully in network tab.
No feedback in the console, wondering if any of the Yuka experts have some idea why
Probably your GLTF asset contains rendering primitives other than TRIANGLES (.e.g. POINTS, LINES etc.). YUKA.NavMeshLoader makes the assumption that its geometry data are only defined with triangles.
Also, try to use not GLB but GLTF+.bin files.
A bit more info is here - How to correctly export a NavMesh from Blender 2.8 · Issue #9 · Mugen87/yuka · GitHub
it loads but performance is visibly impacted moving the camera around on a macbook pro. Trying to do it to the entire space, never ends up loading.
I looked at the advanced navmesh example glb and there is a lot going on there and loads quickly and silky smooth. So must be some rule we are violating
So, my I’ve removed the EDIT that the approach is not working and the navmesh is not visible from my first answer becuase I’ve exported the GLB without any faces that’s why I couldn’t see the colored navmesh. The funny thing here is that YUKA seems to be not requiring any faces in the navmesh.