2D in 3D and vice versa

Hi there is a project that is working as an interior designer, with 2D I need to switch from 2D canvas to 3D to babylon js. The library I’m working with in 2D EasyC

I tried deleting the canvas and adding it again, it doesn’t work

gives this error

babylon.js:16 Uncaught Error: WebGL not supported
at t.e (babylon.js:16)
at new t (babylon.js:16)
at HTMLDivElement. (3d.js:11)

Help me please!!!

We will gladly help you but you need to provide more information on what are you exactly doing in your code. Why don’t you just hide the canvas with CSS?

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Thank you bro

Don’t mention it bro! But did I actually already help? :sunglasses: Don’t hesitate to ask dude! :vulcan_salute:


Oh yeah and welcome to the forum!