So a while back I had intended on making a little playable snippet that of a remake of the 1970s astroid game in 3d in BJS of none other… the whole point was to write a tutorial. BUT, given the amount of work I have slated for the next few months and with the new baby on the way, I am forced to focus all of my attention to work and this has just been stuck on the back burner for way way way to long.
@trevordev helped me with some of the physics when I was having bugs and the helped with some of the controls (which need major reworking)
but its a cool little prototype that can be quite fun, and every step of the way is logged on the playground so it might be a good learning example for someone.
Anyways I think you might need a PS4 controller for it, left stick to move, right stick to look around, square to boost and cross to shoot.
The UFO is just a placeholder right now, as I don’t think the collisions are scripted into it as that was my stopping point.
There is an arrow that will indicate your heading and velocity that you will notice as you start moving around.
Sorry about the sloppy hacky code but this was kinda a WIP.