Hi guys
From time to time, between 2 projects, I like to create new demos for my page, this help me to try new features most of the time.
Here is my last demo:
Let me give you some numbers:
~300k vertices && ~2M faces in scene
from ~9mb bin file to ~1mb using draco compression
from ~3.2mb js files to ~1.8mb using es6 modules
load time 2-5 seconds
and some postprocesses.
And 2 images just to make you curios
I’m using this framework daily, I trusted it from the begining, and I like all the new features, like pbr, clear coat, es6 modules, GUI, and many more. ( I’m waiting for material editor )
Thank you all for developing this and for all the help I received here, as I said you are doing a great job.
I’m trying to help as much I can and I know on the forum, and expose to others what we can do with babylonJS.
See you with the next demo, I hope to be soon.(will be again something with wheels ). Cheers!