I’m using 3dsmax 2022 and I have an object with a material that has a custom attribute. The custom attribute is shown in the image below.
When I try to export this scene as a GLTF I don’t get any “extras” in the resulting GLTF file. I can see that its reaching the point of attempting to export custom attributes but to no avail.The output log is shown in the image below.
The image below shows the same material as it appears in the resulting GLTF file. I’m expecting an “extras” field containing an “is_decal” boolean.
I decided to use fbx instead of gltf but I did track down the issue with the babylon exporter. I’ll post the fix here to help anyone with the same issue or if the dev team wants to add the gist of it to the official github repo.
The issue is babylon doesn’t handle multi materials. The fix is to detect what kind of material it is and handle accordingly. Here is an example of how that could be done:
fn process_material mat &s =
for objDef in (custAttributes.getDefs mat) do
--s = s + mat.name
pbArray = custAttributes.getPBlockDefs objdef
for indexPBlock = 1 to pbArray.count do
itms = pbArray[indexPBlock]
for y = 5 to itms.Count do
s = s + "_$€PParam_" + itms[y][1]
for z = 1 to itms[y][2].Count by 2 do
key = itms[y][2][z] as string
if (findString key "type") != undefined then
s = s + "_$€PType_" + itms[y][2][z+1]
/*material_data = sceneMaterials["StandardMat_0"]*/
material_data = sceneMaterials["MultiMat_0"]; /*In the github repo this is fed in as a variable*/
s = ""
if getNumSubMtls(material_data) == 0 then
process_material material_data &s
for mat in material_data do
process_material mat &s
I realized today that my solution above only applies to my heavily modified version of the exporter where the multimaterial (instead of the submaterial) is the object that is attempted to be extracted in “ExportExtraAttributes()” of BabylonExporter.CustomAttributes.cs.
Here is the same idea for use in the original BabylonExporter.CustomAttributes.cs:
string cmd = @"objectName = """ + objectName + "\"\r\n" +
@"if(obj == undefined) then
notfound = true
for i = 1 to sceneMaterials.count while notfound do
if classOf sceneMaterials[i] == MultiMaterial then
for j = 1 to sceneMaterials[i].numsubs while notfound do
if sceneMaterials[i].material[j].name == objectName then
obj = sceneMaterials[i].material[j]
notfound = false
s = """"
for objDef in (custAttributes.getDefs obj) do
pbArray = custAttributes.getPBlockDefs objdef
for indexPBlock = 1 to pbArray.count do
itms = pbArray[indexPBlock]
for y = 5 to itms.Count do
s = s + ""_$€PParam_"" + itms[y][1]
for z = 1 to itms[y][2].Count by 2 do
key = itms[y][2][z] as string
if (findString key ""type"") != undefined then
s = s + ""_$€PType_"" + itms[y][2][z + 1]
You will also have to modify _ExportExtraAttributes() to take in the objectName (e.g. “gameMaterial.MaterialName” for the gameMaterial overload or “” for the gameNode overload).