Hello I’m trying to recreate the Animating Morph targets playground https://playground.babylonjs.com/#019CR7#2
All what I did is swapped the model and it is not working suddenly Sometimes it is very frustrating : https://playground.babylonjs.com/#019CR7#61
let me see that
No need for frustration…World is frustrating enough!
here we are mate:
Animating Morph Target Example | Babylon.js Playground
You added the animations on the asset.cube but started the animations on the asset.cubeMorph
It was working before because (by luck) the glb scene was adding animations to the morph targets so its animations was not empty
Thank you ! I guess to animate all the 52 arkit blendshapes at the same time, I need to create animation timeline for each then put them in animation group in order to play them exactly at the same time
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