Hi guys, I’ve been working on some avatar characters with animations
I’m stuck in the export process, Babylon Js Maya plugin is not exporting animations it only export mesh in GLB format but not in other formats, In GlTF texture doesn’t appear it shows all black with checkers
Character - rigged and animated in maya
I’ve also tried testing with Maximo character with Maximo rigs & animation but it still doesn’t work
Does anyone knows how to export animations from maya using Babylon plugin because I also want to export facial animation, which is in blend shapes…
Does Babylon exporter export blend shapes?
Please help
cc @PatrickRyan and @PirateJC our in house artists
@vizvakarman, can you provide us with a reproduction of the problem? And can you tell us what version of Maya and what version of the exporter you are using? I use the Maya exporter every week and I am able to export animations, textures, morph targets, etc without problems. At the minimum, make sure you have the options checked for export skins, export morph target normals, and export animations (highlighted by the blue arrows below) to make sure you have everything you need for animation export.

@PatrickRyan I’m using MAYA 2020.4 & Babylon exporter v20220923.2
Below screenshot is what i get when exporting everytime in glb or gltf format, It says no animation data it is ignored.
@vizvakarman, then I think we would need to take a look at a sample file. Can you share a simple file that reproduces your problem - even a cube animating at the node level if this reproduces the problem - with us so we can take a look? It’s hard to debug what may be happening in Maya without seeing a bit more.
@PatrickRyan I just tried animating a cube in maya along with blend shape & when I export this it works perfectly but when I export rigged character it doesn’t export animations.
I can share my character maya file or fbx you can have a look at
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If you can either post a link here, or in a private message if your asset is not publicly sharable, I will take a look.
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Can I ask what was the follow up and result of this issue? I have been trying to download an animated character from Mixamo (fbx) and export a glb from Maya and am having similar issues. If I export the fbx to an ma file and reimport it, I can get the mesh to export, but without doing so I get a skeleton and messages about how the NodeName|NodeShapeName does not exist. Directly exporting the fbx file creates a file with no geometry and a skeleton that appears to have no animation associated with it.
I can import the same file into Blender and export it without issue.
@rdurnin, the issue in this thread was related to the bind pose of the exported mesh not matching what was expected in the skinning data. It matters where the play head is when exporting files to glTF because it appears that the exporter is assigning the frame at export as the bind pose. Basically, making sure your timeline play head is at the start of your timeline when exporting is important. There were also some animation group issues if I remember correctly, but it has been a while since I dug into this file.
It does not sound like what you are experiencing is the same core issue as this thread. Can you share the Mixamo fbx you are using so I can test it to see what may be going on? I have used Mixamo assets often in testing and demos and have never needed to import an fbx, export to ma, and then re-import the ma file to get the mesh to successfully export.
Is this a one-off with a particular file or do you have the same issue with multiple fbx files from Mixamo? There is the off chance that if this is an isolated case that there is a problem in the fbx you downloaded and exporting to another format is cleaning up the hierarchy in some way.