Hello dear Babylon.js team and enthusiasts.
Playground Editor UI suddenly started to have an extra layer that distorts the development process. It seems to be present in all devices. Does anyone know how to fix it? Is the team working on it?
I’m also seeing this today (on Android using Kiwi browser)
Ohhhh right also seeing it on Windows We ll have a look shortly thanks for reporting
This is due to failed scss imports due to a recent commit:
PR: fixing scss not found exports by ricardovg4 · Pull Request #15875 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub
Thank you so much for reporting this. Playground is definitely not looking correct. We’re actively looking into this now.
Revert "SCSS - run an update of dependencies, move to modern API" by AmoebaChant · Pull Request #15876 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub will fix it pretty much the same as yours @riven04
Deployment in progress
All deployed and workarounded for the weekend