Hello everyone !
I have been working on this project for a few weeks already. Today I’m happy to release the BabylonChat 1.0.0 … 100% Based on the BabylonJS GUI !
I would have a lot to say about it, and also I expect a lot of questions / suggestions, but here is a first overview of what it is :
- A few years ago I released the Blender Tchat Addon (link) which is a Python Addon for Blender, which create an OpenGL based UI on top of viewport, for online tchating, asset, material, meshes exchange, etc, etc…
- It was free by default, and also I had setup a “pro” subscription which unlocks some limitations on the file sharing (I cannot afford big file share myself, even if I would love to ! )
- Then a few months later I released the same addon for Houdini, which is based on the same OpenGL UI, and also connected to the same server. Abling the users to Drag&Drop procedural Node patterns from a room to another
- The server is also 100% homemade, based on NodeJS, using AWS DynamoDB for database, AWS S3 for file hosting.
- It’s using a custom version of HTTPS Long Pooling, a nice trick for doing push notifications based on HTTP GET requests, that I discovered thanks to Telegram Messenger, which uses it as well.
NOW : This project is a 3rd version of the Client Interface, this time 100% based on the BabylonJS GUI ! Still connected to the same server, so you can chat between Blender, Houdini, and this BJS web interface.
Here are a few features I worked on for this project : (Sorry the mouse doesn’t appear on the record)
Grid based layout for icons, with dynamic search :
Dynamic hovering and controls tooltips :
Unicode Based Emoji implementation :
And a few other stuffs that I’ll be happy to let you discover (toasts, etc…)
Working on this project I struggled with some bugs on the BabylonJS GUI, that I’m about to report, as I discussed with @RaananW already.
: (to be released in the next days)
- ( ) Fix some textWrapping issues
- ( ) Rebuild on resize
- Picture crop, resize & edit for profile pic.
NB: Please upload squared images for Profile Pic, not too large (max 300 px). Auto resize is not done yet
- Update profile picture from Github or BabylonForum user link
- User params (colors, sounds, etc)
- Display images, gifs, video within the chat
- Clickable links from the chat
- Drag & Drop files directly in the chat window
- Emoji reactions attached to messages
- Any ideas or suggestions I’ll be given later on…
Ok, that’s it, I hope you will love it, I hope it won’t crash too fast as well
Don’t hesitate to give it a try, see you soon in the chat !