I’m newbie in Babylon. I’m tryng to load my model in BabylonJS Editor and It stucks on loading.
I followed this steps:
- New file Project
- Import textures from scenes folder
- Import “filename.babylon” model from scene folder
4.Save project in Rainy-Day folder - Double-click on scene.editorproject file
- Babylon js Editot stucks on loading
In debug I get this result:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined
at Function.Tools.GetExtensionFromMimeType (tools.ts:100)
at Function.eval (gltf-tools.ts:32)
at step (gltf-tools.js:33)
at Object.eval [as next] (gltf-tools.js:14)
at fulfilled (gltf-tools.js:5)