Unity version - 2021.2.6f1
Babylon package - Babylon Editor Toolkit_5.0.0_A61.unitypackage
After import , I have simply saved my blank scene. When i click on play button, it says Build Project > Build , then it says Build Failed with error in console
Assets/[Babylon]/Template/Typings/babylon.d.ts(44738,32): error TS2304: Cannot find name ‘XMLHttpRequestBodyInit’.
Assets/[Babylon]/Template/Typings/babylon.d.ts(92158,13): error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable ‘VRFrameData’ must be of type ‘{ new (): VRFrameData; prototype: VRFrameData; }’, but here has type ‘any’.
System.UnityTools:CompileProjectScriptBundle (System.IO.StreamWriter,string,string,string,string,bool,string)
CanvasTools.CanvasToolsExporter:ExportProject (string,EditorSceneInformation,EditorBuildType,UnityEngine.Transform,string,string)
CanvasTools.CanvasToolsExporter:BuildProject (EditorBuildType,UnityEngine
and when I launch web preview, nothing loads…screenshots attached for reference
Please guide and help me getting started