Best way to do stepped (non interpolated) animation?

Currently I’m using setInterval to make object changes at fixed intervals e.g. like say toggling a light on and off, but I was wondering if the Animation classes can somehow be used to do the same thing, just without any interpolation between key frames?

Using setInterval I strangely ended up with some timing glitches, like other processes were interferring and causing the intervals not to be consistent. I see in the Sprite code that a delta time check is being used in a render method, not setInterval. Is this the best approach or can the Animation classes be used without interpolation?

This may prove useful for you to look at

In particular the sweep_keys for the door. Frames 0 to 3*frame rate all have value 0 hence no interpolation. Careful use of constant values over set key frames can give you non interpolated intervals

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Thanks @JohnK

Since I came across this post when trying to do something similar I’m adding my playground here in case anyone finds it interesting.

In this playground I’m syncing animation with a video using requestVideoFrameCallback.

One issue remains where the initial canvas gets distorted for some reason when engine._renderViews() is called. I do not quite get what’s happening yet.

Anyway, the stepped animation part works.

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