Best workflow for creating a map?

Quick question about babylonjs and blender. Which one of these best describes the recommended workflow?

  1. The environment is modeled in a 3D program like blender and then imported as a single mesh, essentially making your 3D modeling program your level editor.
  2. Each modular mesh is imported into the scene and meticulously and programmatically placed and positioned in the environment
  3. There is a level editor for babylon and threejs for constructing scenes and exporting them
  4. None of the above.

I imagine number 1 could result in performance loss and weird collision detection

Yeah 1 is not good. I would recommend you to create a tiny editor to suit your needs? Maybe the Inspector could be enough?

Else the Babylon.js editor done by @julien-moreau:

What about a combination of 1 and 2? It can work well for small levels. A quick and dirty way of doing it is placing “Empties” (TransformNodes/Meshes with no geometry) in your 3d modeling program and then querying them on the Babylon side. You can then load other meshes from separate files and insert them at those locations. This is pretty reliable and easy to set up.

Of course with larger levels you run into performance issues, but even there you can split the level up into pieces and dynamically reload them.

There is also the Unity exporter.

i think for best workflow we most write new one

what the best most support

  1. that most can use standard height maps from (api image or functional option)
  2. that most support lazy loading (zoom + drag + … )
  3. that most support multiple layers ( water + snow + trees+ rocks … )
  4. use octree and fixed count mesh system ( in fixed we have 1000 or n meshes and we recreate them by place )
  5. the local place geometry generator (Infinity terrain in BabylonJs Geometry Builder and
  6. the fps and optimizing needed too
  7. that most work by GPS System too

i try start them ( we have some parts before in old forum )

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right button drag : move