BJS thirdPerson controller


I can’t seem to find a working third person controller using the unity toolkit.
hmm I thought I saw one in 7.0 release trailer?

That maybe ? UnityExporter/Redist/Editors at master · BabylonJS/UnityExporter · GitHub


Yo @waverider404

The BJS Starter Content package is available here

This Example Playground shows attaching a 3rd person player controller (From the starter content) at runtime to a player armature node that also has animation state and physics based character controller components attached (that were setup in unity editor at design time)

Also check out the boot camp videos:


Babylon Toolkit repo has been restructured. The link above has been updated.

Unity Exporter Repo is now a folder in the Babylon Toolkit Repo

Yo @roland … Link Fixed

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Do you have a webpage?

Under Construction (For a while now, gotta get time to finish it)

This reminds me of this meme :smiley: Anyways, let me know if there will be content available. We have a few Unity apps still waiting to be rewritten in babylon.js. I already proposed to give it a try with your Babylon Toolkit to my project manager. He wanted to see a web site with information about the toolkit, examples, pros, cons.

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