A release candidate for Blender 2.93 LTS has been pushed to the Dev Branch of the repo. Once Blender goes to production, I will merge down Dev branch into Master. I do not do this very often, so will definitely need to look this up.
I have changed how changes for releases are going to be documented. There is now a directory of annotated side by side screen shots combined into a read me.
Since this forum does md format well, here is a close reproduction:
Non-visual Changes
- Shape Key animation added
- Most properties which are the same as the BabylonJS default excluded from file
- No changes
- Default of pickable switched to false
- Properties added and 1 removed
- Emissive Intensity now used from Principled node
- Removed obsolete VR Cameras from List
- added support for Cascaded Shadows & shadow Z bounds