Hi, since BJS v7.10.1, onLoad callback is not fired anymore when creating a new CubeTexture.
PG: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#D9FPG1#23
See line 22 (onLoad) and 25 (onError) : both are not called. With v7.10.0 all is normal.
Did the API change since adding support for buffers or a bug? @bghgary
Not too sure if it ever worked before (this way), but the 3rd parameter should either be null or string[] | BABYLON.ICubeTextureCreationOptions
, otherwise the onLoad will not populate correctly:
new CubeTexture does not fire onLoad event | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs-playground.com)
Tried that as well. Still no callback with 7.10.1 and up. So pretty sure it’s a change in that version
it does work in the playground, which uses the latest, so I am not sure about the no-callback part. Don’t you see the callback triggered in the playground?
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