Thanks for trying out the latest version and reporting your issues ,
For the gui issues, this is likely a bug in the invalidateRect gui optimizations, if you could share a code snippet or playground you believe repro’s the issue it would be helpful for me to look at. In the meanwhile you can try
Would you mind to try to create some repro for us. We added a big optimization to GUI as @trevordev mentioned and we could use some repro of your issues in the PG
@trevordev Setting useInvalidateRectOptimization = false indeed solved most of the issues. It seems however that the text control size issue (resizeToFit) still remains.
I’ll try to send a repro of that and the invalidateRect issues as soon as I can
EDIT: After some more testing, there’s no bug with resizeToFit after all.
@bghgary These are .babylon files created by Blender Exporter.
It seems the issue occurs when applying my shader, and it’s affected by the position. See “Repro Settings” in the PG.
Rotate the camera (e.g. using your mouse) to see how the models become distorted.
Looking at the log, I noticed the following errors:
I tried to repro the GUI issue in a PG, no luck so far. Is the namespaces version in the PG really identical to the es6 modules version? Is there some PG where I can experiment with the latter?
Also, any idea what’s going on in the meshes / shader repro I mentioned in my previous reply?
I just installed the core and gui packages again to make sure they’re the latest, still getting the same version (4.0.0-alpha.18). I compiled again just in case, the bugs persist.
Personally I do not mind setting useInvalidateRectOptimization = false in my project and calling it a day.
With that said, I would still like to help you find those bugs, I don’t mind giving you access to the source code (privately of course).
Otherwise, let me know if you have any other ideas of how I can help you find the bugs more efficiently.
Do you have any suspicion at all as to what’s happening? Something that can maybe give me a better direction on what to repro?
Package - weird, I’ll try to uninstall then install again later today when I get home and see if I can get that latest version.
Shader - yeah, I need my own custom underwater effect
Is migration required for it to work in the new version? Shouldn’t bjs be backward compatible or is this an intended breaking change?
Shaders are not part of that contract. Only public API are concerned by the backward compatibility or we will be lock forever with identical renderings.
ok actually I know why
This is because of the new bone texture system
This is a new feature of 4.0. Instead of using uniforms which are limited we are now using textures to store bone data.
But no worries , I got you covered Babylon.js Playground (see line #515)
Got it, thanks
Does this new feature improve performance by any chance?
I tried to uninstall both core and gui then install them again - same version (alpha.18). I tried to install @latest - same version. @next - doesn’t exist. What am I missing?
EDIT: I get the same thing when creating a completely new isolated project as well. Are you sure it’s possible to fetch alpha.27 via npm?
They are, but they’re not forcing us to have that kind of icon.
I’d like to worry about the user action to enable audiocontext myself and not have an extra piece of GUI forced on me.
Why not have an optional flag for that icon?
If set to false - audiocontext will start whenever clicking anywhere on the page like in bjs 3.* (which is sufficient user action) instead of on the unmute icon.
In my opinion, it shouldn’t be limited to clicking on the icon itself even when it is displayed, unless there are some technicalities I’m not aware of.
I just noticed another GUI issue which didn’t happen in bjs 3.*. This one is not affected by useInvalidateRectOptimization.
It seems that when listening to onPointerUpObservable in text fields (and possibly in other cases), the events are not fired until the mouse leaves the canvas area.