Buffer.create implementation disagrees with documentation

Here is the function with the JsDoc :

 * Store data into the buffer. If the buffer was already used it will be either recreated or updated depending on isUpdatable property
 * @param data defines the data to store
public create(data: Nullable<DataArray> = null): void {
    if (!data && this._buffer) {
        return; // nothing to do

    data = data || this._data;

    if (!data) {

    if (!this._buffer) { // create buffer
        if (this._updatable) {
            this._buffer = this._engine.createDynamicVertexBuffer(data);
            this._data = data;
        } else {
            this._buffer = this._engine.createVertexBuffer(data);
    } else if (this._updatable) { // update buffer
        this._engine.updateDynamicVertexBuffer(this._buffer, data);
        this._data = data;

I don’t know which one is wrong, but with the current implementation, calling updateVerticesData on a mesh whose VertexBuffer exists and is not updatable does nothing. I was kind of expecting the buffer to be recreated.

Side question : I can do it manually, but I’m wondering whether I have to call dispose()on the VertexBuffer first ? I would say yes, but current implementation of Buffer._rebuild does not do that… :

public _rebuild(): void {
    this._buffer = null;

Thanks a lot for your help. If there is some change to make in the code, I can do a PR.


Hi @Deltakosh! it’s been a while :slight_smile:
Any take on that one ? I saw that you made some changes in that file recently.

Welcome aboard!

The implementation has never recreated the buffer if it was not updatable, so it’s the doc which is wrong. If you want to make a PR to fix the doc you are welcome!

Yes, you should call dispose on the buffer. _rebuild does not do it because this function is called after a context lost to recreate the buffer, and in that case the existing buffer is invalid as the context has been lost (so disposing it would generate a gl error).

@Evgeni_Popov thanks for your reply.

I’ll create a PR to fix the doc.

Regarding the Buffer.create() stuff after dipose, it did not work for some reason, whether I disposed the buffer or not. I had to call setVerticesDataat the mesh level to get things working as expected.

What did you do exactly? Calling dispose on the buffer then setVerticesData on the mesh should do it.

I tried something like

 const data = mesh.getVerticesData(VertexBuffer.PositionKind)
// ---
// modify data 
// ---
const vertexBuffer = mesh.getVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer.PositionKind)!
vertexBuffer .dispose()
vertexBuffer .create(data)

That should work except for two things:

  • the bounding info won’t be updated according to the new positions. To have the bounding info updated, you must use mesh.updateVerticesData instead.
  • if you are using vertex array objects (they are automatically used if the GPU supports them) they are not recreated, so you won’t see the change. You can set engine.disableVertexArrayObjects = true to force disabling the support (but perf will be reduced)
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very likely to be because of the vertex array objects :slight_smile: