Seems like a bug. If use increaseVertices
with mesh that have been updatable: true
on create - object disapears
here is a demo
Seems like a bug. If use increaseVertices
with mesh that have been updatable: true
on create - object disapears
here is a demo
I removed “updatable:true” and now it works -
currentry I use it like this
const mesh = MeshBuilder.CreateBox('box', { size: 5 }, scene);
mesh.markVerticesDataAsUpdatable(VertexBuffer.PositionKind, true);
mesh.markVerticesDataAsUpdatable(VertexBuffer.NormalKind, true);
to have ability to morph it later. But it’s not cool
This PR will fix the problem of using increaseVertices
with updatable buffers:
Thank you!