after update to 4 alpha version saw some differences using simulatePointerUp
Previously onPointerObservable
it was triggering just once but now each simulate triggers 2x, once with PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP
and once with PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP
This comes from _processPointerUp
if (this.onPointerObservable.hasObservers()) {
if (!clickInfo.ignore && !clickInfo.hasSwiped) {
if (clickInfo.singleClick && this.onPointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP)) {
type = PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP;
else if (clickInfo.doubleClick && this.onPointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOUBLETAP)) {
type = PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOUBLETAP;
if (type) {
let pi = new PointerInfo(type, evt, pickResult);
this.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(pi, type);
if (!clickInfo.ignore) {
type = PointerEventTypes.POINTERUP;
let pi = new PointerInfo(type, evt, pickResult);
this.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(pi, type);
was it a fix for some issue ? or some feature change ?
is it possible to remove mask for onPointerObservable
to just use PonterUp/Down/Move
Thank you