I found out that on demo app: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#0XYMA9#6 sphere object disappears after few seconds without any reason. After another few seconds, some rectangular shape appears. This happen on my website with my custom scene with my custom objects and I thought that I have some error in my JS code, but after testing this on simplest demo on babylon playground I wonder if this error is caused by Chrome?
Huawei P8 Lite, Android 7.0, Chrome 72.0.3626.105
After 8 seconds sphere changes to 2d rectangle shape, so it must be Chrome 72.
Code on my website was not changed and this error was brought up to us by one of our users. We checked with our DEV team and some mobile devices were affected, some don’t. PC Chrome 72.0.3626.119 version is not affected, it seems like Chrome 72.0.3626.105 on mobile is causing this behavior.
Thanks dzakrzewski,
I also have this issue.
On android 8 with chrome 72.0.3626.121, shapes and objects disappear almost right away.
When I go back to version 71.0.3578.99 everything works perfectly!
As per comments in the bug-report
“…not planning to merge this fix back to any branches. The fix will be part of M75 released in June”
Perhaps it would be an idea to add a workaround or disable webgl2 for chrome > 71 && < 75 on mobile devices? https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=937754#c8