ClonerSystem dependency

I’m using ES6 imports for my current project. How do i add the ClonerSystem dependency? I couldn’t find a way…

Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

The Cloner System is a community project and is not part of the core library.

I don’t know who developped it, maybe @nasimiasl (as I can see BABYLONX in the example source code)?

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it is not Mine :frowning:

Ah sorry! Maybe someone from the core team will know.

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Looking back at old forum Simple Cloner System (SCS) - Announcements - HTML5 Game Devs Forum

Pinging @javalang but not seen since Dec 18


Thanks for clarifying. Basically I need this only for testing purposes, so it’s OK for me to just copy it over to my project :slight_smile:

Hi everybody,

Sorry for digging up this post but i’m also looking at the BABYLONX library to create a cloner radial system.

Is the library still available ?

If not, may be it shoud be great to erase this chapter in the docs.

Thanks in advance,


Maybe @RaananW knows where it now lives ?

Should be this - Extensions/ClonerSystem at master · BabylonJS/Extensions · GitHub

I would be extra careful using the code in our Extensions. Not regarding security, but more of compatibility. As some extensions are over 8 years old. This one is “only” 6 years old :slight_smile:

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Thanks very much, i will try with that extension…

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