I am trying to make a scene similar to Babylon.js - Windows Café demo
But in my scenario, when my camera collide with any mesh it goes under the ground like this:
My camera options:
{“isStereoscopicSideBySide”:false,“type”:“FreeCamera”,“rotation”:null,“rotationQuaternion”:[0.1804,0.0,0.0,0.9836],“fov”:0.3,“minZ”:0.1,“maxZ”:10000.0,“speed”:0.1,“inertia”:0.9,“interaxialDistance”:0.0637,“checkCollisions”:true,“applyGravity”:true,“ellipsoid”:null,“mode”:0,“orthoLeft”:null,“orthoRight”:null,“orthoBottom”:null,“orthoTop”:null,“name”:“camera1”,“id”:“C1C92B18-4642-F61A-26AA-4D95EBA159FB”,“parentId”:“92804814-42DB-254D-54A1-7B99B74D6C3A”,“position”:[0.31,0.59,-1.93],“animations”: ,“autoAnimate”:true,“autoAnimateFrom”:0,“autoAnimateTo”:200,“autoAnimateLoop”:true,“metadata”:{}}
January 22, 2021, 3:00pm
Hi @meloturkmen
This issue looks a lot like this other one : Internal collision system acting weird after calling mesh.dispose()
I’m trying to find a solution and I’ll let you know when to test my fix to see if it fixes your usecase as well.
January 22, 2021, 3:49pm
I’ve found a fix for the issue : Internal collision system acting weird after calling mesh.dispose() - #6 by Cedric
Let me know if it fixes your fixes with the nightly following the PR merge.
Hey @Cedric ,
Unfortunately it didn’t solve my problem. I changed my camera’s “collisionRetryCount”:4 but nothing changed.
Btw, I’m using this project: GitHub - BabylonJS/Website: Main babylon.js website to run my demo .
January 25, 2021, 9:45am
Did you try with the latest nightly? Maybe changes didn’t land yet when you tried it.
Also, can you isolate this issue in a playground? It makes debugging much more easier