`CreateScreenshotUsingRTT` resizing canvas until screenshot is done


So I have an issue where if I’m trying to make a screenshot of a smol 512x512 resolution, it’s resizing my scene to that 512x512 for a tiny bit until the screenshot is done.

I think the problem lies here in the createScreenshotUsingRenderTarget function, which resizes the canvas and doesn’t un-resize until the RTT is ready

I couldn’t make the RTT delay long enough on the PG so I simulated a delay in the camera (targets same line of code)

and I was able to repro the effect in this PG (press ‘p’ and check console),

If I immediately resize it after calling createScreenShot, it still resizes for a frame.

Are there any workarounds I can try to bypass this issue?

Any help regarding this is much appreciated tysm!

actually, I don’t know if the delay is in the RTT, it could also very well be in the camera, since I’m making another camera right before the screenshot

Unfortunately, I don’t think we can fix it at the time (we should be able to fix it when we implement screenshots in frame graphs)…

However, I don’t reproduce in Chrome/Firefox/Edge on my Windows 11 (I do see 512/512 in the console, but the display does not change): what are the OS/browser you are testing with?

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the display shouldn’t change in the PG as well, it’s just happening in my main project which is hard to repro here : (((

I think I’ll try to copy over the whole function for now and make the RTT needed an argument. that way I can wait until the rtt gets ready to resize the canvas ^^

or I can try to just, not resize and image process after I have the screenshot.

tysm for the answer!! : )

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