Hi, @bghgary
One Question. I would like to insert a dynamic text into my glb model. s. Example:
It worked with the “Floor”:
let wall = scene.getMeshByName("wall 2"); // "Floor" is ok
//Create dynamic texture
var textureGround = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture("dynamic texture", {width:512, height:512}, scene);
var textureContext = textureGround.getContext();
//Add text to dynamic texture
var font = "bold 88px monospace";
textureGround.drawText("Hello", 155, 155, font, "green", "red", true, true);
var materialGround = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("Mat", scene);
materialGround.diffuseTexture = textureGround;
wall.material = materialGround;
But not with the wall_2.
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The UVs of your wall sounds incorrects and won t help display the textures:
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Do you mean UV coordinates? Should I rotate the texture 180 degrees?
December 7, 2021, 10:15pm
I think you need to rebuild your UVs in the creation tool of your choice to ensure your texture would fit where you expect on the walls.
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But I want to add a DynamicTexture in the code for dynamic text.
Yes but this is not related, as long as your UV mapping is correct your texture creation will be ok
Hi, @ryantrem
yes, it worked. the solution was:
textureGround.uAng = Math.PI * 200 / 180;
Now try it in react native on android smartphone.
And dynamic text “Igor Roman” is not shown.
@Cedric , do you see any reason the DynamicTexture in that playground wouldn’t work in Babylon Native?
I don’t know. It only runs in the browser.
Can there be another reason?
Does it change UV mapping between browser and mobile?
Hi guys @bghgary @Cedric @sebavan
I need your help.
It works with the DynamicTexture in the browser:
But on android smartphone with babylonjs react native my dynamic text “Igor Roman” is not shown.
Please help
December 21, 2021, 12:30pm
I am not sure text is currently supported in BabylonNative fully, @DarraghBurke might be able to provide more info.
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Text rendering should theoretically be supported since this PR: Canvas polyfill by CedricGuillemet · Pull Request #441 · BabylonJS/BabylonNative (github.com)
But I do repro your issue. Let’s wait for @Cedric to get back in January and see what he thinks
Thanks @DarraghBurke
I also have a problem in the browser. The color of the DynamicTexture was there, but the text was not. Then I found the solution:
textureGround.uAng = Math.PI * 200 / 180;
Now it’s similar on android: color is shown. But text is not.
My solution does not work. or do you have to do something similar?
January 3, 2022, 10:26am
Have you added code to load a .ttf font ? Some code like this:
}, false);
BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CedricGuillemet/dump/master/droidsans.ttf", (data) => {
_native.Canvas.loadTTFAsync("droidsans", data).then(function () {
_native.RootUrl = "https://playground.babylonjs.com";
TestUtils.setTitle("Starting Native Validation Tests");
TestUtils.updateSize(testWidth, testHeight);
}, undefined, undefined, true);
If you are using Babylon React Native we have also added a partial implementation for the FontFace Web API , to help make the loading of fonts easier. This supports loading fonts from either a valid URI or ArrayBuffer.
Here is an example of how to use it with the same font Cedric used above, and a link to the Playground with the sample code:
}, [engine]);
// Add some text.
useEffect(() => {
if (!scene) {
const fontFace = new FontFace('droidsans', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CedricGuillemet/dump/master/droidsans.ttf');
fontFace.load().then(() => {
const mat = new StandardMaterial('Name', scene);
const texture = new DynamicTexture('testText', { width: 256, height: 256 }, scene);
texture.drawText('TestText', 96, 128, '', 'black', 'white', true, true);
mat.diffuseTexture = texture;
const plane = Mesh.CreatePlane('testPlane', 1, scene, true);
plane.material = mat;
plane.position.z = 2;
plane.position.y -= 0.5;
One thing to note is that we hope to eventually move this to a true polyfill which does not require an explicit import of the Babylon React Native implementation of FontFace, so the consumption of this may change in a future release of Babylon React Native.
Great, thank you @AlexTran and @Cedric
It works. Unfortunately, it is never described anywhere.
January 19, 2022, 9:04am
This is a WIP. API contract might change in the future for easier integration and use.
That would be the right solution