Export from Blender3 to Babylon Js to get texture and lighting results

I improved your PG a bit - https://playground.babylonjs.com/#8LFTCH#1016
What I can say:

  1. The model is too big (128 Mb). I believe that such a model shouldn’t weight more than 20 Mb if you aim to real time render.
  2. GTLF doesn’t support environment export, so you need to create this in Babylon.
  3. There are a lot of conflicting planes. I fixed the floor (which doesn’'t blink anymore) but are you sure that you’ll need the outer floor to be shown to somebody? If not, just delete it.
  4. Here are a couple of helpful links: What are the best practices for environment meshes made for Babylon? and Optimizing scenes for better WebGL performance - Soft8Soft . Hope it may help :slight_smile:
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